The same week Somali Pirates killed Christian’s bearing Bibles, The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) has teamed up with the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) and is suing the FBI for surveillance of the Muslim community, particularly those who have traveled to Somalia, Pakistan, and Yemen.  Last fall, CAIR sued the state of Oklahoma for passing an anti-Sharia Law statute.

CAIR has ties to both the Muslim Brotherhood (which was responsible for the assassination of Anwar Sadat of Egypt) and Hamas.

If the story is correct this was not secret surveillance, but rather the asking of questions.

In other breaking news, drug dealers are suing the DEA for targeting crack houses, and vice squads all over the country have been sued by prostitution rings for targeting – Shocking as it may sound! – brothels.

What’s next, will they check out casinos for gambling?

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