imageFormer Governor Mike Huckabee’s Presidential PAC, Mike Huckabee for President, Inc. filed termination papers with the FEC when doing their year-end reporting.

On the surface it looks like he’s not running for President.  He could be revamping with a new PAC, others have suggested that he’d want a PAC registered in Florida instead of keeping it at the current location in Little Rock, AR.  I don’t think you need to terminate your PAC to do that, and I don’t believe you need to terminate your PAC even for a name change (not that I’m an expert).

Couple that with having talked with a couple of his former Iowa staffers who are under the impression he won’t be running…  it’s looking like he’s not jumping in.  We’ll see, he still seems to be flirting with the idea.  I can tell you though any decision he makes won’t have anything to do with his not speaking at CPAC… just saying.

HT: Race 4 2012

Update: HuckPAC says they are housecleaning that they can’t start 2012 business until 2008 Presidential Committee business is closed.  They could keep the same committee, but often times candidates start anew.

It doesn’t mean he’s not running and it doesn’t mean he is.  What apparently it does mean is that if he does run it’ll be under a new committee.  Don’t see the point in doing that, but whatever.  To the Huckabee supporters jumping on my case, I stated a fact about his committee winding down.  I did not say with 100% certainty that he was not running, I said it looks to me like he wasn’t…and “we’ll see.”

So chill.

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