NEW YORK, NY (Christian Newswire) — The Federal Bureau of Investigation arrested abortion supporter Theodore Shulman, 49, yesterday and charged him with communicating interstate threats against two pro-life activists. He is currently being held without bond at Metropolitan Correctional Center (MCC) in New York City, a Federal holding facility.

While the complaint against Shulman was filed under seal, Operation Rescue has been informed that the case involved two pro-life activists who are simply referred to as Victim 1 and Victim 2. Operation Rescue is withholding the identities of the victims in order to protect their safety.

In addition to the two victims listed in the Federal complaint, Operation Rescue’s Troy Newman and Cheryl Sullenger, as well as blogger Jill Stanek and speaker/activist Bryan Kemper of Stand True have also been the brunt of Shulman’s threats. Shulman hounded Sullenger, in particular, over a two year time-span. He ran a blog site under the name "Operation Counterstrike" that fomented hatred and attempted to encourage "pro-choice" supporters to murder pro-life activists.

Shulman is also the object of a Federal investigation in Wichita, Kansas, which could result in additional charges being filed against Shulman for making serious death threats against Operation Rescue staff members.

"This is a huge relief to us that Ted Shulman is behind bars where he belongs," said Sullenger. "He often posted threatening comments to our web site and called me on my cell phone too many times to count. He was always brazen in his threats and openly identified himself, telling us not to bother calling the FBI because they would never do anything for us. Thankfully, he was wrong about that, and we hope that, in addition to his New York charges, he will also be charged in Kansas."

We continue to work with the FBI on the Shulman case and on other cases of death threats we have received. We take every threat seriously and have taken extra security precautions to insure our safety.

Threats to Operation Rescue have increased in recent weeks after MSNBC talk show host Rachel Maddow repeatedly targeted the group by airing inaccurate and inflammatory information that has incited the threats against Operation Rescue staff members’ lives.

Listen to recordings of a threat made by Theodore Shulman.
Listen to threat made by apparent Maddow listener.

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