Can they see the irony? Virtually nothing that a teachers’ union does is for the kids. Perhaps they really are the root of all evil in education.
Since Democrats don’t have the votes to defeat this measure, they’re actually trying to stop the vote by running away. Yes, 14 Senators fled the state which in effect prevents a vote since Wisconsin law requires at least one person from the other party to vote on the measure. They had to run to Illinois so Wisconsin State Troopers couldn’t force them to return.
Can you imagine if these were Republican legislators? They are hijacking a constitutional process because they got their clocks cleaned in November and don’t have the votes to stop it. They are derelict in their duties, in Iowa we’ve had to endure years of liberal policies get crammed down our throats and not once would I have ever suggested or supported that Republican legislators leave town. This is just insane.
President Barack Obama couldn’t keep himself from weighing in on another state issue, and he sides with the unions against the taxpayers. Here, yet again, is another example of President Obama being on the opposite side of the people. Republicans in Wisconsin were voted into power to reign in spending and bring fiscal sanity back to Madison. So yes there are huge protests this is the type of action the voters expected. Taxpayers need to be heard.