Below is a side by side contrast between the two prospective 2012 presidential candidates from Minnesota: Congresswoman Michele Bachmann (R-MN) and former Governor Tim Pawlenty (R-MN) on education.  There is a similarity in their positions on parental choice in education, but with their positions regarding federal involvement in education… not so much.

Michele Bachmann

  • Is against federal control in education.
  • Wants to abolish the Federal Department of Education.
  • Thinks dollars should remain at home instead of ending tied up in Federal education bureaucracy.
  • Opposes No Child Left Behind.

Source: Interview 3-24-11

Bachmann also homeschooled and she and her husband Marcus started the first charter school in Minnesota.

Tim Pawlenty

While I appreciate Governor Pawlenty’s support of parental choice in education, I am concerned by his lack of support for local control in education demonstrated by his support of the International Baccalaureate program, common core standards and Race to the Trough Top.  He still has an opportunity to explain his position on education and his support of these programs, and he is always welcome to interview with me where he can do so.

HT: New Hampshire Tea Party Coalition for the Pawlenty info

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