imageBy Congressman Mike Pence (R-Indiana)

As the American people continue to weather this difficult economy, gas prices in Indiana and across the nation continue to rise to near-record levels.

The national average at the pump is more than $3.50 per gallon – more than 75 cents higher than a year ago. As the unemployment rate still hovers near 9 percent, the last thing struggling families and small businesses need is higher energy prices.

Yet this administration continues the de facto moratorium on domestic oil exploration and has failed to put forth an all-of-the-above energy policy that will create more affordable energy and more jobs here at home. In fact, President Obama just released a budget proposal that includes more than $60 billion in tax increases on American energy production.

Without further delay, at the risk of causing further harm to an already fragile economy, it is time to give the American people more access to American energy.

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