Why didn’t the mainstream media investigate this during the election? (Silly me, that would have meant they would have actually had to vet the candidate)  CNN had a good piece out today which conclusively proves that, yes, President Barack Obama was indeed born in Hawaii.  This was something that could have been put to bed immediately and President Obama would not have been dogged with these types of questions since.  It’s unfortunate as well that the President’s campaign was initially elusive on the matter.  So the combination of the mainstream media’s lack of coverage and the campaign’s handling is a recipe for a good conspiracy.

Yes some people are going to believe what they want to believe still, but for those who aren’t sure what CNN uncovers should be convincing.

For the record, I never believed that he wasn’t a natural born citizen, but feel anyone running for that office should at minimum prove that they’re constitutionally eligible – regardless of party.  It should be a no brainer (kind of like having to show a photo ID of some sort before you vote… but I digress).

So to my fellow Republicans (and Democrats – the original lawsuit was filed by a Democrat) can we dispense with this and campaign on issues?  This topic (and others like it) was a nonstarter to begin with.

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