I covered it here and here. Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion covered it here. Little Miss Attila covered it here and here, while giving a lot of “benefit of the doubt.” Head Noises alluded to it here and went so far as to create what may amount to be a WordPress mirror site as a result. Ann Althouse covered it here and here and here and here and here and here and here. (There are likely more from her but that’ll do.) Patterico’s Pontifications covered it here and here and here and here and here and here.

Let’s recap. Blogger, which is owned by Google (which is set to unveil the new Google Chrome amid this firestorm) had a major meltdown of sorts. From what I gather, basically if you ran a Blogger site, you were SOL for a time. Ann Althouse was especially hard hit as it appears she was flagged as a spam blog. Likely due to her reporting on the Wisconsin kerfuffle where Leftist thugs vandalized public property, vandalized private property, threatened neutral businesses, threatened the lives of Republicans, threatened Ann’s personal well-being. Ann had a back-and-forth with Google tech Nightcruzr where he verbally harangued her, abused her, and treated her disgracefully — then deleted his own comments. But since they were also comments that were received by email, his Leftist “memory-hole” trick failed, as they always do. Several people have claimed that immediately after challenging Nightcruzr, they were suddenly required to provide Google with either their cell phone number or their home phone number to “prove they’re them”. Well…

Patterico put that claim to the test. And what he found was… the claim was fully accurate. He used his Google account to challenge Nightcruzr, had his challenge deleted from the public page, and had his account frozen for all intents and purposes unless he gives out his phone number. And Patterico, being the wise blog-owner he is, made multiple screen-caps and published those screen-caps. For example:

So, yes, a Los Angeles ADA challenges Nightcruzr, a Google tech (who may be doing his “job” free of charge), and the LA ADA loses access to his Google account unless he provides his private personal telephone number. My observation: A) Nightcruzr is a megalomaniac in need of being terminated; B) Google needs to terminate Nightcruzr and police their people better; C) What a time to unveil the new Google Chrome, yes?

Also, don’t forget Google is in bed with Obama as per the CNN report DRJ linked.

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