DANIELS BUDGETPolitico reports that Indiana Governor Mitch Daniels in a midnight email to his supporters that he will not be entering the 2012 Presidential race.  In the email he citing that his family wasn’t on board with the decision:

The counsel and encouragement I received from important citizens like you caused me to think very deeply about becoming a national candidate. In the end, I was able to resolve every competing consideration but one, but that, the interests and wishes of my family, is the most important consideration of all. If I have disappointed you, I will always be sorry.  If you feel that this was a non-courageous or unpatriotic decision, I understand and will not attempt to persuade you otherwise. I only hope that you will accept my sincerity in the judgment I reached. 

Many thanks for your help and input during this period of reflection. Please stay in touch if you see ways in which an obscure Midwestern governor might make a constructive contribution to the rebuilding of our economy and our Republic.”

This leaves former Governor Mitt Romney as the frontrunner of the current field that consists of former Minnesota Governor Tim Pawlenty, former Senator Rick Santorum, Congressman Ron Paul, Herman Cain, former Speaker Newt Gingrich, and former New Mexico Governor Gary Johnson.  Romney has tons of issues, and I don’t believe he’ll poll any higher than he is currently especially with the specter of Romney Care hanging over his head.  It would seem that the race is pretty wide open for a certain somebody to jump in with Daniels, Mike Huckabee, and Donald Trump not running and with Newt Gingrich having a horrible first week.

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