(Let it be known I’m a Sarah Palin supporter so I view all non-Palin news as good for a Palin candidacy.)
Mike Huckabee has decided he’s not going to run in the 2012 Republican Primaries. That is a good thing. Mike Huckabee is a Big Government Social Conservative and he would’ve drawn strong support from the Social Conservatives. But, like Michelle Obama, he was a little too willing to legislate behavior from the Presidential Pulpit. And that is bad. Also, Huckabee has a massive albatross hanging from his neck. As governor of Arkansas, he commuted sentences of violent criminals so they could go on and commit more violent crimes. The Washington State cop-killer he released from prison comes to mind. And, apparently from those links, so does his getaway driver.
Donald Trump proved to be sodium in a beaker of water.
And that’s good because The Donald (whom Dana Pico strongly advocated against) has had multiple bankruptcies, proving he is no fiscal Conservative since he cannot handle his own finances. In fact, there have been more than one bank which refused to declare him in default on his loans because doing so would bankrupt those banks. The Donald has also made liberal use of Imminent Domain to his advantage, taking private property from the little guy to make his own business stronger and richer. Beyond that, The Donald has pumped lots of money into Democrat candidates’ campaign coffers. And the Republicans likely to get Trump money have been Big Government Ruling Class types (Crist, Specter). Beyond that, Donald likes to flip-flop-flip on policy items, making him either a complete unknown or a narcissistic opportunity-hound, you decide.
Don’t get me wrong. The Donald served his purpose as far as I’m concerned, although he could’ve been used further. Trump forced Obama to finally release his long-form birth certificate, something Obama spend 2 million dollars to keep hidden. And that playing card Obama was falsely using as a raaaaace card has now been eliminated. With huge numbers of people no longer believing Obama is not a natural born citizen as the Constitution requires. Higher percentages of Conservatives than non-Conservatives changing their minds. But if Trump played the game longer, he might could’ve forced Obama to release his K-to-Law School transcripts. (Ever wonder why Obama and his wife both no longer have their licenses to practice law?)
But, like sodium in water, Trump came in with a flash and —-.
Mitt Romney owns his RomneyCare in Massachusetts. The Obama campaign have been right on top of things, thanking Romney for creating the blueprint for ObamaCare. Romney has also been on all 27 sides of the argument on practically every issue, depending on the date of his comment. As a Big Government Ruling Class RINO from Massachusetts, Romney is the lamestream media’s and the Statist Republican’s and the Democrat’s wild dream of a Republican candidate. Romney’s chances (since he’s so busy hiding himself from the public at every turn) are greatest if he’s the only Big Government RINO among a field of Conservative Republicans. If the field of Conservative Republicans is sufficiently large and they eat each other, Romney can get a plurality since he cannot, ever, get a majority. Romney is McCain 2.0, Dole 2.0. In other words, the big-name sheep to the Democrat slaughter.
Mitch Daniels is apparently awaiting his wife’s decision on whether he should “spend more time with the family” or go after the POTUS job. He declared a “truce” on Social Conservatism, effectively surrendering that ground to Social Conservatives and alienating their vote. Later, he signed the bill that eliminated Indiana funding of the abortion provider and statutory rape hider Planned Parenthood. You can’t have it both ways, Mitch.
Mitch Daniels also caved when faced with Democrat fleebaggers. And he appointed the Indiana Supreme Court justice who effectively killed the Fourth Amendment to the US Constitution.
Newt Gingrich authored the Contract for America, or stole it from another Republican who authored it, depending on what you read. I discussed that time-period earlier here and here. Basically, Newt saw the giant awakening and pro-actively took an agenda that would lull the giant back to sleep and ran with it. Since then, Newt has been a major failure. He slept with a staffer while he was married “because he was so concerned with America.” He sat on a couch with Nancy Pelosi to advance the Global Warming religion (which would destroy the US economy and propel us into a more massive stagflation than the one Obama has given us).
Newt ignored the grass-roots TEA Party backing (and the high-powered Sarah Palin backing) of Conservative candidate Doug Hoffman in the NY-23 special election to endorse the DIABLO DeDe Scozzafava, who became a 3rd Party contender as Republican and dropped out to endorse the DEMOCRAT Bill Owens. More recently, Newt blasted Republican Paul Ryan’s plan to fix Medicare in a way that absolutely alienates the grass-roots conservative giant that has awakened. So, Newt has very clearly aligned himself with inside-the-beltway Ruling Class Big Government RINOs.
Robert Stacy McCain has written multiple articles praising Herman Cain. And I mean MANY. The guy is a certified Conservative. (either one) But I’m not ready to vote for someone who would be cutting his political teeth in the most powerful position on Earth. We’ve already seen how that turns out (hello, Barack Obama, you brain-dead Socialist). We could do a lot worse than Cain in the Cabinet, and we most definitely are with Obama’s Socialist allies. But as top dog, he doesn’t pass the pedigree test with me. Granted, this is the most opportune time for a non-politician to get the nod, but someone who doesn’t know the dealings and hasn’t had the experience handling the politics doesn’t need to be lurched into the most powerful and most political post in the land. And his campaign will most definitely suffer for it.
Michele Bachmann is a potent member of the US House of Representatives. She absolutely should stay there. In the Presidential field, she’s half-cut 1 percent milk to Sarahcuda’s whole milk straight from the cow. Why take blue water when milk is available?
And then there’s Sarah Palin. Members of the elite in the lamestream media call her an unserious candidate, while incessantly spreading lies about her and adding grist for the whack-jobs looking for someone to assassinate. Ruling Class Republicans are out to destroy her instead of attacking Obama. A Leftist nutter rented the house next door to write his hit-job book about her. Radical Leftists shoot their TV sets because her daughter does well on a reality TV dance show. Some clown makes his way propagating Trig Trutherism (Bristol has super-power va-jay-jay capabilities, according to him). Leftists alternatively mock her for being unable to kill an animal with a rifle that was knocked off zero from a fall and scream in horror that she would shoot that animal (and club a fish as well). Leftists and Statist RINOs attack her because she held the needs of Alaska higher than her own self and resigned as governor while a myriad of Leftists were filing frivolous lawsuits (permitted under Alaska law at the time) which were bankrupting her and grinding Alaska’s government to a halt. All this while claiming Sarah Palin is not a serious candidate.
And what does Sarah do? She only shifts the national debate on ObamaCare, influences elections nationwide in 2010 and in Special Elections prior to 2010, makes fools of Leftists who mock her for her accurate date for the Boston Tea Party, draws huge crowds wherever she appears, affects the national debate on all manner of topics, and draws the ire of practically all Leftist organizations, Leftist press groups, Leftist blog outfits, Ruling Class Republicans and their outlets.
People who either should know better or are too flat-out partisan to be honest suggest Palin’s afraid to talk to people outside of FOX News. Obviously, she’s outside of FOX News quite a bit. She had her Long Island appearance where she was grilled by an unfriendly source and won the less-than-friendly crowd over with ease. She had her India trip where she won the Indians (dot) over with ease. She had her Israel trip and her Haiti trip and her Alabama trip where she showed she could get down and dirty with the regular people, and possibly even further in the life-threatening grime than most regular people. She has her Facebook page and her Twitter account which are shaping national agendas and conversations.
Aside from that, she’s currently contracted to FOX, which means only under certain circumstances can she grant interviews outside FOX. And, honestly, why should she? She’s already living rent-free in their heads. They’re already claiming she’s a nobody whilst spending an inordinate amount of time trying to destroy the “nobody”. And she has a huge following who are ready, at a moment’s notice, to pump big money into her campaign and to get out on the streets and beat on doors for her.
Of all the possible candidates, she can most afford to wait the longest before declaring. And her ground game has already devoured a large portion of the field even before opening up her air game.
7 in 10 Republicans and a majority of independents declare the National Republican Party to be to the left of and disconnected with the Republican base.
42 percent Conservative.
36 percent Moderate.
20 percent Liberal.
Newt is busily impaling himself before asking Conservatives to vote for him.
Mitt equals ObamaCare and Statist Ruling Class Republican.
Mitch has proven to be spineless and to surrender territory before even engaging.
Donald was a pan-flash Ruling Class Republicrat.
Huck is a Big Government nanny Social Conservative who released a pair of criminals responsible for later murdering a cop.
Herman wants to cut his teeth in the top job in the world.
And then there’s Sarah.