palin-Iowa-GOP-5I wasn’t quite ready to bet on it back in April, but it seems it seems like former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin is getting ready for a 2012 run.  Here are a few reasons why I feel that way.

  1. Recent hires to help with travel and scheduling, along with a foreign policy advisor.  Not to mention a new chief of staff back in February.
  2. Beefed up SarahPAC website.
  3. Very candid remarks about a potential run, having a “fire in the belly.”
  4. A feature length movie that she approves of (and helped to initiate) about her campaign for Governor and time in Juneau.  Which will premiere in Iowa in June, and then be shown in New Hampshire, South Carolina, and Nevada before being released nationwide.
  5. She has purchased a house in Arizona, as The Wall Street Journal confirms, along with video evidence below… looking at the 1:06 mark.  This would make travel much, much easier in the lower 48 than if she tried to run a campaign from Alaska.

From Alaska to Arizona — Could Sarah Palin Be Relocating?:

Then she came in second in a straw poll at the Pottawattamie County GOP straw poll in abstenia, the winner was Herman Cain who spoke at the event.  Obviously not a scientific poll, but does demonstrate that many activists are not happy with the current field.  A recent Pew Poll found that Governor Palin benefits the most from former Governor Mike Huckabee’s decision not to run.

Obviously nothing is definite, but I’d wager she’s in.

Photo by Dave Davidson

Update: Sean Hannity offers a preview of the upcoming movie.

HT: Conservatives 4 Palin

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