I was listening to the Simon Conway Show on WHO Radio driving home today they were discussing our continual loss of liberty… government mandating a variety of things and disallowing personal choice.  The latest victim of the Government’s desire to draw us into its loving bosom in order to keep us safe is our choice, as adults, to wear lifejackets while boating on Lake Red Rock in south central Iowa.

Yes the Army Corps of Engineers will be mandating lifejacket wear (not just having it on your boat) starting in 2012.  No specified fine.

But it is to keep you safe because they don’t want you to drown.

They do want public feedback, see the feedback form below:

U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Public Feedback Form

Notice something with the second item in the feedback form? No "none of the above" option. I guess they really don’t want our feedback after all.

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