Santorum said, “If you can trust me to take principled stands on controversial issues you can trust me on non-controversial issues.” He said he embraced the Ryan budget plan without qualifications. He said that while he is willing to lead on social issues and take a stand on them, while in the Senate he led on a number of different fiscal and defense issues as well. He said that he is a “full spectrum conservative.”
Speaking of the Informed Choices Medical Clinic he lauded the efforts put forth in providing women choices beyond abortion. He also said women need to be better informed. Santorum noted, “the abortion industry works hard so that women don’t have informed consent.” He said that the industry, “makes money on abortion and lobbies to make sure women can’t have informed consent.”
He said while he draws the line for life at the moment of conception, he understands Americans have a variety of views on abortion. He said however, “most Americans are uncomfortable about late-term abortions.” He also said until Roe v. Wade is overturned, late term abortion laws are a good place to test the court.
He was asked about the Obama administration threatening to withhold Medicare funds from Indiana because of their new law defunding Planned Parenthood. Santorum said since Obama seems to have no problem extending waivers to states over Obamacare, he should have no problem giving Indiana a waiver in this case. The fact he is unwilling says much about the President’s priorities.
Santorum says that he actively worked as an elective officials to impact the culture, but reminded those present that he has addressed comprehensive issues, and has been a Senator of a diverse state. He said his goal in this campaign is “to be known as the strongest, principled conservative in the race.”
You can watch the entire press conference below: