I know football season is right around the corner, but I thought I would throw a basketball piece out here for all my fellow Cyclone fans.  We are about to see a new Era in Cyclone hoops this coming year.  Yes I know that this is Hoiberg’s second season, but he was using any player he could just to get through his first season.  Heck, he asked Paul Rhoads for some help and was given two football players that had some basketball background.  We have a bunch new faces all of which have taken different roads to Hilton.  I think you are going to be surprised with what these kids will be able to accomplish.  Right now they are called misfits and no one really knows who they are.  I am posting an article here that will take you back in time to another group of kids that were in almost the same position.  It is a great read for those who remember.  Have fun!

 Reflecting On 1995-97 ISU Hoops

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