imageI couldn’t believe it when I heard yesterday about the Ames Straw Poll.  It is unfathomable.  It’s hard to express with words the shock that I experienced when I learned that – none of the candidates are catering with Hickory Park in Ames.

What?  That’s crazy!  It’s the best BBQ in town, some of these candidates and/or organizations are getting poor advice on who to have cater to feed the hungry masses that will descend on the grounds of Hilton Coliseum.  In 2007 Mitt Romney had Hickory Park cater and he had hands down the best food there.  Since he isn’t participating this year it gave another campaign the chance to bring in this mouthwatering goodness.

But no, instead we have this:

  • Michele Bachmann is dishing out BBQ, but it’s not Hickory Park BBQ.  I heard that it is from Famous Dave’s.  A CHAIN store!!!!! That has to be a sin.  I mean she could have brought in Jethro’s or Woody’s Smoke Shack and those would have been perfectly acceptable alternatives to Hickory Park, but no.  At least she’ll have an air-conditioned tent.
  • Herman Cain is having, no surprise, Godfather’s PIzza.  I’m trying to think if pizza has ever been done at the Ames Straw Poll.
  • Tim Pawlenty is serving Dairy Queen Ice Cream, which is surprising with the amount of money he has put into the Ames Straw Poll.  In 2007, Duncan Hunter just served ice cream… look what happened to him (just kidding).
  • Rick Santorum is giving away samples of homemade jam.
  • Ron Paul is charging $10 per ticket, but his folks are having to put a little skin in the game (that is still a discount from the $30 it would normally cost).  It also includes food and drinks throughout the day, and bus transportation if desired.  I don’t know exactly what he’s serving, but I know it’s not Hickory Park.
  • Thad McCotter who paid the most for his straw poll real estate is serving…. not sure, but it isn’t HICKORY PARK.

My taste buds are bored.

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