imageI was out in the hinterlands (aka Northern Minnesota) the last few days and so I really feel out of the loop.  I just read at POLITICO that Texas Governor Rick Perry plans to announce that he intends to run for President during a speech he will give at the RedState Conference in Charleston, SC.  Yes that is the same day as the Ames Straw Poll and yes it does seem to have made at least one Iowan mad.

Personally I donā€™t really care.  He couldnā€™t speak at the Ames Straw Poll because he missed the deadline.  What he does in Iowa after Saturday will tell me whether or not he is serious about campaigning here.  Actually since he was late on Ames making an announcement in South Carolina during Erick Ericksonā€™s RedState Conference does seem, to me, to be good politics ā€“ capture media attention and spend some time in South Carolina while your competition is elsewhere.

Had he gotten in earlier and chose to skip the Ames Straw Poll, well that would be a different story.  Governor Perry has already received a welcome of sorts from one member of the 2012 field.  Last night former Senator Rick Santorum (R-PA) wanted to be the first to welcome him into the race.

If reports are true, then I want to be the first to welcome Governor Perry to the race ā€“ but itā€™s too bad he chose to ignore Iowa.  I guess weā€™ll all see each other soon on the trail. I wonder which version of marriage heā€™ll be ā€œfineā€ with in South Carolina ā€“ obviously, not the same version he was ā€œfineā€ with in New York.

There will be no honeymoon period for Perry as heā€™ll have to explain not only his recent comments about gay marriage, but also his endorsement of Rudy Giuliani along with other issues.

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