imageI was listening tonight to the Michael Medved Show tonight and heard audio of Minnesota Congresswoman Michele Bachmann promising a group at an event in Greenville, SC that if she were President gas would be under $2.00/gallon.  Politico first reported her saying:

The day that the president became president gasoline was $1.79 a gallon. Look at what it is today.  Under President Bachmann, you will see gasoline come down below $2 a gallon again. That will happen.

Hereā€™s the video:

According to AAA the average price nationally is $3.58/gallon. Details?  Nope.  How is this supposed to happen?  I suppose when Congresswoman Bachmann becomes President the skies will open and oil will appear like manna.

Seriously, my chief complaint of late with the Congresswoman is that while she is great at firing up the base you donā€™t leave with confidence that she knows how sheā€™ll accomplish any of what sheā€™s promising.  You like what sheā€™s promises, but you donā€™t have a clue how sheā€™ll accomplish it. 

What she should have said that we need to achieve energy independence to bolster our economic and national security, and here are steps Iā€™ll take to work toward that end.  She could have said that Iā€™ll open up our reserves as President and remove restrictions to domestic production to try to bring relief at the pump.

Instead she makes a promise, ā€œthat will happen,ā€ with something she has zero control of really.  Sure there are things she can do that might help, but to predict how low gas prices will go?  Thatā€™s ridiculous, itā€™s irresponsible, and she owes constituents better than this.  We know that we donā€™t live in the land of unicorns and fairies where the President of the United States can push the ā€œeasy buttonā€ and presto, Walla!  Lower gas prices.

Iā€™m disappointed.  Congresswoman start giving us details instead of empty promises.

Photo by Dave Davidson 

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