The following comments were written by Rev. Richard Bacon of Rowlett, Texas.


I think Romney and Perry both stumbled tonight, but not enough to change positions. They are still #1 and #2 after the debate.

Bachmann moved up due to her passion and Gingrich moved up due to his intellect. Gingrich needs to be an adviser or cabinet secretary in the next administration

Santorum could win if it came down to a staring contest. But he has the best position on pro-life issues, in my opinion.

Did Huntsman think this was a Democrat debate? What is he doing still hanging around? He poisons the air we breathe.

Herman Cain helped himself a lot. This was the good ol’ Herman Cain from the SC debate.

Ron Paul still scares the dog snot out of people. This is not a good medium for him unless you already support him and understand what he’s talking about. Were those his supporters who cheered when the hypothetical guy died with no insurance? I hope not. And he should have disclaimed them even if they were.

Perry needs to learn how to explain the in-state tuition act better and he needs to apologize (not explain) regarding the Gardasil fiasco. He also needs to point out that not one single girl in Texas was vaccinated under that Executive Order. And then he needs to apologize again. Got that Governor? Your apology didn’t take effect. You clearly think your motives were right but PARENTS DON’T CARE ABOUT YOUR MOTIVES. Apologize Rick.

That’s it.

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