I have a challenge for you Liberals. I know you loathe challenges, so much so that you have even refused to allow scorekeeping in some organized youth sports. But try to get over your fear of challenges to accept my challenge. I have a single rule for you to follow by letter and spirit:

You shall not covet your countryman’s house. You shall not covet your countryman’s ability to have a domestic staff, his car or bank account, or anything that belongs to your countryman.

Now the challenge. After reading and fully understanding the single rule, and obeying that rule, put in writing your economic and social agenda for getting the US out of its financial and social morass.

There. That’s the challenge. Do you have the intestinal fortitude to accept the challenge?

I expect Liberals to have three responses to the challenge.
1) Ignore it completely, as many before have done.
2) Complain about how unfair the rule is.
3) Ignore the rule completely while putting forth an agenda that violates the rule with practically every step.

Prove me wrong, oh great and wise Liberals. I challenge you.
I issued this same challenge on my own blog site, and a Liberal troll who previously trolled my blog site promptly got himself banned. It had a lot to do with his flippant espousal of Barack Obama’s good friend Bill Ayers’ (at least former) belief that 25 percent of the US population would need exterminated.

But I did have an interesting conversation with someone espousing an interesting world-view (Spock eyebrow, which I do quite well). In the end, though, he repeatedly violated the single rule that I had put in place. Is it possible for Liberals to follow my single rule and still posit a Liberal economic and social agenda? I suggest not. It is an impossibility, however; I challenge any Liberal to prove me wrong.

Most readers of Caffeinated Thoughts, and I suspect all authors on Caffeinated Thoughts will instantly see my single rule for what it is. For those who do not see it, it’s in my sidebar on my blog site.

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