I must admit that I threw up in my mouth a little watching these.

First is a video of a song put together by the STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) team of the Charlotte-Mecklenburg School District of Charlotte, NC. (HT: Terry Stoops)


Then we have this gem of a video created within for the West Mecklenburg High School staff in the same school district.  Your kids can’t read or write, never fear the Common Core is here!  It reminds me of the easy button.


HT to Gretchen of Missouri Education Watchdog who sent this to me via email.  She said of this video, “It’s wonderful and magical.  It will work in all areas and the rigor will be raised and all will be well.”  I can just picture the eye roll.

“I will embrace the common core without fear.”  Is the line in this “motivational” song about the Common Core State Standards.  Come on teachers!  Just believe!


Finally back to West Mecklenburg High School.


Kona Coffee

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