imageRick Santorum receives some high praise this week from a couple of different sources, first on Wednesday night during an interview on the Hannity Show on Fox News, former Governor Sarah Palin said she wasn’t planning on making an endorsement at this point or that it would be worth a “hill of beans” right now.  (I find it interesting to note that when talking about the candidate she would support she kept saying “he” and “him” which leads me to believe that Michele Bachmann will not be someone she would consider… anyway, I digress.)  Sean Hannity asked Palin, “Do you think this has come down to just Gingrich and Romney, do you think any of the other candidates could emerge?”  Palin responded:

I don’t think it has come down solidly between Newt and Romney.  No, not yet because there is still a lot of fluid dynamic going on in this race, and if voters start shifting gears and deciding they want ideological consistency then they’re going to start paying attention to say Senator Rick Santorum who has been consistent on being a hard-liner against Iran, who will protect Israel, he’s been consistent in wanting to protect the most vulnerable and the sanctity of life, and he has been consistent in saying we need to slash the federal income tax.  I say we need to do away with it – that’s the only way to reindustrialize America and create jobs.  People will start paying attention to some of the other messages from the other messangers like Rick Santorum.  You are going to see that happen in the next 32 days.

Next Pastor Cary Gordon, a pastor at Cornerstone World Outreach in Sioux City, IA and founder of the Peacemakers Institute, endorsed a candidate for the first time publically in a video interview.  Please watch the whole thing as he explains his vetting process as he has been able to talk to many of the candidates personally as I have.


Gordon said we need to go by principles, not polling data, and he endorses Rick Santorum.  This is the best example of applying a Christian worldview to the Caucus vetting process that I have seen.  I also believe he does an excellent job explaining why he can’t support Ron Paul.  I wish fellow believers who have decided to support Paul would consider Gordon’s argument.  Both Palin and Gordon also articulate why I support Rick Santorum.

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