Urbandale, IA – Republican Presidential Candidate Rick Santorum made the following statement in reaction to this week’s Iranian aggression.

Rick Santorum said: “Iran’s latest threat, this time to test missiles, to seal off the Strait of Hormuz and block oil deliveries, demonstrates once again Iran’s unacceptable behavior, and the instability created by Iran’s President, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.  This highlights clearly why we can never allow Iran to have nuclear weapon capabilities.  It also reveals the danger of the present administration’s refusal to have a clearly articulated plan for dealing with Iran growing nuclear threat, and their failure of having a comprehensive energy plan that includes drilling for energy right here at home.   Even worse, President Obama’s weakness will only leave a power vacuum for nations like Iran and their militant socialist allies in Central and South America to fill.  We can no longer sit by and do nothing, and we need a President prepared to once again stand up for American values around the globe.  As President I will do just that.”

Rick Santorum is the author of the Iran Freedom & Support Act, which imposed sanctions on Iran and authorized funding for pro-democracy movements within Iran.  This past November, Rick Santorum outlined a clear plan to deal with Iran and their nuclear ambitions. To learn more about the Santorum Plan: Santorum plan to address Iran’s nuclear ambitions

To learn more about former Senator Rick Santorum, please visit www.RickSantorum.com.

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