Here is the video from Wednesday night’s forum as promised in order of appearance.  Former Governor Mike Huckabee premiered his new documentary filmed with Citizens United Productions, The Gift of Life, all of the Republican Presidential candidates were invited to speak before hand on the topic of life.  Former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney, Texas Congressman Ron Paul, and former Utah Governor Jon Huntsman opted not to attend.  I want to thank Al Bregar, I put him to work Wednesday night.  He shot the video since I was sitting too far away for my flip cam.  The videos are in order of appearance.

Jenifer Bowen of Iowa Right to Life gave the opening remarks.


Bob Vander Plaats of The FAMiLY Leader spoke next. If you haven’t read it yet, I encourage you to check out a post David Shedlock wrote about his interaction with Bob Vander Plaats before the event.


Minnesota Congresswoman Michele Bachmann spoke next:


Former Speaker Newt Gingrich was up next:


Texas Governor Rick Perry was loose, a couple of people thought he was too loose in the beginning especially reminiscient of a certain speech in New Hampshire. I didn’t get that vibe.  I think its just his personality when he is at ease. Here’s the video, you decide:


And last, but not least former Pennsylvania Senator Rick Santorum got the best response from the crowd of 1300 after his speech.

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