Rick and Karen Santorum greeting voters in South CarolinaRick Santorum‘s campaign has been rolling out numerous high profile endorsements at both the national and local levels.  Today a list of 30 social conservative leaders who were part of the group of 150 to coalesce around Santorum put out a press release.  A few of these names have already been released by the campaign, but many haven’t yet:

Conservatives are the largest ideological bloc in the American electorate.  In this election cycle a number of candidates with legitimate claims to conservative support have considered or sought the Republican nomination for President, but this has left the conservative vote divided, empowering those who do not share our views and values.  To defeat Barack Obama now is the time for conservatives to rally behind the most electable conservative candidate, and we believe that candidate is former Pennsylvania Senator Rick Santorum.

In recognition of Rick Santorum’s character, judgment, and especially his commitment to institute an administration that will govern according to conservative principles, we the undersigned endorse former Pennsylvania Senator Rick Santorum for President of the United States and pledge to advance his candidacy.”

The complete list of endorsers includes:

Cathie Adams, President, Texas Eagle Forum

Gary Bauer, President, American Values

Brian Burch, President, CatholicVote.org Candidate Fund

Tim Busch, Businessman, philanthropist, and attorney

Ken Campbell, California Conservative Leader

Peggy Dau, Special Liaison Representative, Voice of the Martyrs

Penna Dexter, Radio Host and Commentator

James Dobson, Family Talk

Elaine Donnelly, Center for Military Readiness

Tim Echols, Georgia Public Service Commission

Kirk Elliott, Philanthropia, founder and chairman

William J. Estrada, Director, Generation Joshua

Joseph Farah, Editor and Chief Executive Officer, WND.com and WND Books

Robert Fischer, President, Fischer Furniture, Inc

Richard Ford, President, Heritage Alliance

Foster Friess, Friess Associates

Maggie Gallagher, Institute for Marriage and Public Policy

Michael Geer, Family Policy Leader, Harrisburg, PA

Ellen Grigsby, Conservative Leader

Rebecca Hagelin, President, Rebecca Hagelin Communications and Marketing, LLC

Patrick and Toya Hall, Vice President, Guadalupe Radio Network

Jason Jones, Producer of the film “Bella”

Tim LeFever, Chairman of the Board, Capitol Resource Institute

Brad Mattes, Executive Director, Life Issues Institute

William J. Murray, Chairman, Religious Freedom Coalition

Richard Neill, Texas Conservative Leader

Preston Noell III, President, Tradition, Family, Property, Inc.

Pam Olsen, President, Florida Prayer Network

Paul and Nancy Pressler, Justice, TX Court of App (ret)

Penny Pullen, Illinois State Representative 1977-1993, State President, Eagle Forum of Illinois

Jill Stanek, Pro-life activist and blogger

John Stemberger, Florida Family Action

Stacy Taylor, Texas Conservative Leader

Richard A. Viguerie, Chairman, ConservativeHQ.com

Then a well known name in the home school community, Michael Farris who is a former Virginia Attorney General, Chancellor at Patrick Henry College, and Founder/Chairman of the Home School Legal Defense Association had this to say about Santorum:

I want to thank Rick Santorum for his stalwart defense of life, marriage, and the rights of parents. He has made these issues his priority throughout his career.  As a fellow homeschooler, he knows how important it is to protect parental rights. That is why I strongly commend Rick Santorum for his support of the Parental Rights Amendment.

Even more noteworthy in light of the South Carolina Primary are the number of South Carolinian conservatives who endorsed Santorum today, such as Lisa Van Riper, a prominent prolife activist in South Carolina.  Also seven members of the Palmetto Family Council (the prominent social conservative group in South Carolina) board members publicly backed Santorum, as well as, 10 Upstate Republican leaders (they tend to be more conservative Upstate, more moderate in the Low Country).

Will this help give Santorum a boost?  We’ll see.  Out of the remaining candidates Santorum likely has the best organization and has spent the most time in the state.  Unlike Iowa with a primary that isn’t as much of an advantage as it was going into the Iowa Caucus.  We’ll find out tomorrow night where Santorum lands.

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