Rick Santorum 2/7/12 Victory SpeechRick Santorum had a huge night winning the Colorado Caucus, the Minnesota Caucus and the Missouri Primary.

Colorado Caucus (Update: 100% reporting):

  1. Rick Santorum – 40.2% (26,580)
  2. Mitt Romney – 34.9% (23,097)
  3. Newt Gingrich – 12.8% (8,457)
  4. Ron Paul – 11.8% (7,782)

Minnesota Caucus (94.3% Reporting)

  1. Rick Santorum – 44.8%
  2. Ron Paul – 27.2%
  3. Mitt Romney – 16.9%
  4. Newt Gingrich – 10.7%

Missouri Primary (100% Reporting)

  1. Rick Santorum – 55.2% (138,957)
  2. Mitt Romney – 25.3% (63,826)
  3. Ron Paul – 12.2% (30,641)

Newt Gingrich did not make it on the ballot, but will run in Missouri’s Caucus.

I know that some will argue that Missouri Primary is nonbinding, but Santorum made a statement for the upcoming Caucus on March 17th.  He will benefit from media exposure, and let’s face it he walloped Romney.  The Missouri map shows that Santorum won every county.  If he could win a primary handedly it stands to reason that he can win a Caucus (as he did in Iowa) when the activists come out.  He will certainly be the favorite in that contest.

Minnesota and Colorado both have delegates up for grabs, but some will mention that, like Iowa, the delegates are not officially awarded most media outlets will use those contests in their delegate estimates (and typically district and state conventions do honor Caucus results).  What matters most tonight is that Santorum has demonstrated that he has momentum.  He also can make the case that he is the conservative alternative to Mitt Romney, especially in light of the fact that Santorum trounced Romney in Minnesota a state that Romney won in 2008.

The biggest loser of the night is Newt Gingrich.  When he couldn’t even compete in one state, came in last in Minnesota and his best showing is third in Colorado it is hard for him to make the case that the race is between him and Romney.  Gingrich has won one state.  Santorum has now won four.

This is obviously a bad night for Romney as well.   The last poll in Colorado showed Romney with a 10 point lead over Santorum.  The one prior to that he had a 14 point lead, so Santorum was demonstrating some momentum late just like he did in Iowa.  In fact other than in one poll done in December, Romney has led every poll Public Policy Polling has done in Colorado.  Also Colorado is another state that Romney won in 2008.

The other loser in tonight’s contest is former Minnesota Governor Tim Pawlenty who not only couldn’t deliver his state for Romney, but Romney came in a distant third and this is even after he was trotted out as Romney’s attack dog – mega fail.

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