This afternoon Nebraska Attorney General Jon Bruning, South Carolina Attorney General Alan Wilson, and Texas Attorney General Greg Abbott submitted a joint letter of protest to Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebilius, Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner, and Labor Secretary Hilda Solis over the Obama Administration’s mandate that religious organizations who provide insurance for their employees to include coverage for contraceptives, sterilizations and other like services.  This strongly worded letter promised action in court should “this unconstitutional mandate be promulgated.”

They said that they are “troubled by the unprecedented coercion of organizations and individuals to act contrary to their beliefs”  They said the exemption allowed is too narrow and only includes organizations who “primarily employ those who share their religious tenants” and whose primary operational purpose is an “inculcation of religious values.”

Under this definition only churches, not other religious organizations would receive an exemption.  Then also in this letter said that this mandate represents “an impermissible violation of the Constitution’s First Amendment virtually unparalleled in American history.”

You can read the letter in its entirety below:

South Carolina, Nebraska and Texas Attorneys General Letter to Kathleen Sebilius

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