Jill June, CEO of Planned Parenthood of the Heartland

Jill June, Planned Parenthood of the Heartland CEO, is on the warpath – in an imaginary war created by the organization that butters her bread, Planned Parenthood.

According to June’s war rhetoric in her January 20, 2012, Des Moines Register letter to the editor (“Here’s another reason women leave the GOP”), Republicans “vilify,” “rampage,” “attack,” “threaten” and “beat the drums,” in their “hostility towards women’s health needs.”

This is nothing more than an inflamed marketing campaign. Planned Parenthood’s fictional “War on Women” was declared by PPFA President Cecile Richards in an interview with NPR’s Democracy Now on February 16, 2011, in response to the House’s initiative to defund Planned Parenthood.  Nine days later, the war propaganda was parroted by The New York Times, then picked up by an old soldier in Planned Parenthood’s army, DNC Chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz.

Here’s the problem.  In the House of Representatives last year, 16 Democrats voted for the “No Taxpayer Funding for Abortion Act” and 10 Democrats voted to cut off federal funding from Planned Parenthood.

The war is a diversionary tactic to avoid the issues, much like Planned Parenthood uses invented euphemisms like “pro-choice” and “reproductive health” to avoid the “a-word.”  The real issue is that people on both sides of the aisle want Planned Parenthood de-funded, because of its abortion business model and addiction to profits at the expense of women’s health.

Former Storm Lake Planned Parenthood Manager, Sue Thayer, revealed that Planned Parenthood in Iowa required non-medical personnel to do vaginal ultrasounds. Thayer was told by her superior “that it helps if you have played a video game because it’s a lot like running a joystick.”  Former employees, women who truly care about women’s health, like Thayer, Abby Johnson and Catherine Adair (who will be a featured speaker at Iowa Right to Life’s Spring Fling on April 28) are bravely speaking out about how Planned Parenthood endangers women.

Planned Parenthood pioneered the use of webcam RU-486 chemical abortions in Iowa, which are more dangerous, more bloody and protracted than surgical abortions.  Why?  Because they are more profitable for Planned Parenthood.  When Planned Parenthood was using Iowa women as guinea pigs to test RU-486 back in 1994 and 1995, at least one woman almost bled to death.  Despite this, Jill June crowed there were no complications in the trials.  If bleeding to death isn’t a complication, I don’t know what is.

On December 20, 2011, people engaged in a peaceful prayer vigil outside Planned Parenthood in Sioux City, a location that does abortions, witnessed an ambulance pull up and take someone away.  Is this what Jill June calls “safe and legal?”  It seems casualties of the War on Women are caused by Planned Parenthood.

Planned Parenthood is circling the wagons for their biggest battle: self-preservation for profit.  No wonder.  Jill June has had a healthy 45 percent salary increase over the last two years, bringing her annual salary to $265,389.  And over the last decade, the organization has expanded its profitable abortion locations and numbers.

Planned Parenthood in Iowa gets over $5 million in tax funding annually — it’s a wealthy organization that hurts women and doesn’t deserve our tax dollars.  These are the issues.  June apparently can’t hear them over the beating of the war drums in her head.

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