By A.J. Spiker

Iowans are sick and tired of the constant campaigning by Vice President Biden and President Obama.  They want less rhetoric and more follow-through after three years of broken promises from the White House.  Under Biden and Obama, Iowans have seen costs increase on everything from food to gasoline to health care premiums. Families across the state are worse off under this Administration.   Poll after poll shows that Iowans are fed up and another campaign stop from Vice President Biden can’t erase the fact that Iowans simply cannot afford four more years of President Obama or Vice President Biden.

It’s rather fitting that Biden would choose Iowa, a state that overwhelmingly disapproves of Obamacare, to campaign in as the unpopular bill gets grilled by the Supreme Court back in D.C. on the heels of its two year anniversary.  But you won’t hear Biden talk about his administration’s supposed signature accomplishment today because Obamacare has only increased costs for families, increased our debt and made it harder for job creators and Iowa manufacturers to stay in business.  Bottom line, the last four years of Obama and Biden have been marked by broken promise after broken promise and nothing Vice President Biden says today will change that.

A.J. Spiker is the chairman of the Republican Party of Iowa

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