Etch-A-Sketch with the words "They Don't Call Me Magic Mittens for Nothing"

What I Have Written, I Have Written (Until I Erase It)

Like the little kid who never grew up, Mitt Romney is able to draw his strongly held beliefs on a child’s toy. Then, “poof”, he is able to shake up that belief and rewrite it again, without a trace of the former view to be seen. It’s magic.  Like an Etch-A-Sketch  aficionadohe can turn those knobs with equal ease, to the right and then to the left. He’s an artist alright.

All you conservatives out there who are voting for Mitt Romney, you are in for a real surprise if the Plastic Toy Man wins the White House.  What other things does he carry in his toy chest?

Play Dough or Silly Putty? (What will he and his policies look like tomorrow?)

Tinker Toys?  (Don’t expect him to make any real changes in Obamacare or the economy)

Transformers? (Able to go from machine to man and back again)



Any more ideas out there?



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