state-capitolThe Iowa House is debating their version of  Governor Terry Branstad’s education reform bill – HF 2380.  They went to around midnight.  Some highlights:

  • An amendment was passed that allows private schools the option to excuse themselves from some of the Iowa Core.
  • They took power away from the Director of the Iowa Department of Education to dole out grants.
  • The expansion of the Iowa Core was taken down for study, so that’s not happening this year.
  • Competency-based education was approved, this is allow students to earn academic credit by demonstrating mastery of a subject rather than completing the course.
  • The House also approved alternative credentialing of teachers.
  • The GPA requirement for teacher preparation programs was nixed.

Today they’ll debate online education.  Attorney General Tom Miller offered an opinion that it was legal so that should help give it some traction as they debate it.

The House starts back up at 8:00a.  I’ll update later on with what the final product coming out of the House will look like.

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