obamacareDes Moines, IA – In the midst of an economic crisis that has left millions of Americans unemployed, the Obama Democrats decided to pursue the holy grail of their legislative agenda: government takeover of health care.  Today, we solemnly remember President Obama signing into law the takeover of one-sixth of Americaā€™s economy.

The Obama Democrats made many promises; they were successively broken.  Promises of decreased healthcare costs for families, promises of keeping the health insurance individuals want, promises of a ā€œbending curveā€ on government spending on health care.

What American families have been subjected to is the largest increase in healthcare costs in the last 6 years, now averaging $15,073 per family,  thousands of people being dropped from their coverage, and a CBO estimate that ObamaCare will cost nearly DOUBLE what it was originally projected to cost.

Chairman A.J. Spiker stated today, ā€œObamaCare is classic liberal legislation.  It costs too much, spends too much, regulates too much, violates individual and religious liberties, puts unchecked power in the hands of faceless, nameless bureaucrats, requires supposedly free people to purchase a good or service and doesnā€™t fix the fundamental problem of rising costs of healthcare for American families.

ā€œIt is obvious why President Obama and his Democrats arenā€™t out campaigning on their most significant legislative achievement.  Polls show that 72% of Americans think ObamaCare is unconstitutional and a supermajority wants the individual mandate repealed immediately.  When millions of Americans are hurting, taking over healthcare and spending trillions of taxpayer dollars is not a winning campaign issue.

ā€œMandates and boards of bureaucrats are not the answer to our healthcare problems.  Thankfully, we have Iowa leaders like Rep. Tom Latham and Rep. Steve King who are working to repeal this massive takeover of healthcare and to replace it with a market-based solution to rising healthcare costs.

ā€œIowa voters remember  today that during a recession, the Obama Democrats decided to pass a bill has hurt small businesses and made health care more expensive for families.ā€

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