Vilsack-KingEarly, Iowa – Upon the closing of the filing period yesterday at 5:00p, Congressman Steve King sent a proposal for a series of six debates to his apparent general election opponent, Christie Vilsack. “I am glad the likely nominees for our respective parties are established,” King remarked. “In the proposal I sent Mrs. Vilsack, I call for six debates equitably distributed across the new 4th Congressional District.”

King and Vilsack are the only candidates who filed for the nomination of their respective political parties. King filed nomination petitions for his re-election with the Iowa Secretary of State on Wednesday, March 13. Volunteers for King’s campaign collected 8506 signatures, far exceeding the 1668 signature minimum, and qualified each of the 39 counties in the 4th District.

King currently represents Iowa’s 5th Congressional District and serves on the U.S. House Agriculture, Judiciary, and Small Business Committees. He is seeking re-election in Iowa’s new 4th Congressional District of which he is a lifelong resident.

“I look forward to Mrs. Vilsack’s response and to debating the issues important to Iowans,” King said.

Below is the letter Congressman King sent to Mrs. Vilsack:

March 16, 2012

Christie Vilsack

c/o Christie Vilsack for Iowa, Inc.

P.O. Box 641

Ames, Iowa 51010

Dear Mrs. Vilsack:

In an effort to conduct an open and honest discussion throughout the campaign, I propose a series of six debates (minimum of 60 minutes each).

Because of upcoming votes in Congress, my schedule is limited but I hope six debates will be adequate to inform the voting public. The locations proposed are designed to spread the debates across the district equitably.

1) Story County Fair, Nevada (12:00 pm on July 21, 2012)

2) Iowa Central Community College, Fort Dodge (7:00 pm on August 22, 2012)

3) Clay County Fair, Spencer (2:00 pm on September 8, 2012)

4) Morningside College, Sioux City (Lincoln-Douglas Style) (7:00 pm on September 29, 2012)

5)  Santa Maria Vineyard & Winery, Carroll (6:30 pm on October 25, 2012)

6)  Music Man Square, Mason City (Lincoln-Douglas Style) (6:00 pm on November 1, 2012)

I ask for a formal response by March 23, 2012, to ensure time to reserve facilities and finalize details. Let’s give Iowans a great series of debates focused on issues important to them.


Steve King

Member of Congress

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