Steve-KingWashington, DC- Congressman King released the following statement today after the House voted to repeal one of the most egregious pieces of ObamaCare, the Independent Payment Advisory Board (IPAB). King voted ‘present’ on H.R. 5, the IPAB repeal bill, to signify his opposition to a piecemeal strategy of ObamaCare repeal.

“IPAB is just one abhorrent aspect of ObamaCare- but it is one of the most intrusive,”said King. “It is the heart of Obamacare, because without IPAB, the rationing of access to care is not possible. This unelected board of bureaucrats responsible for shaping the future of our health care must be repealed, but not as an independent piece of the law.”

“We must pull ObamaCare out by the roots because it is an unconstitutional takings of our Liberty. IPAB is not distinct from ObamaCare, it is the essence of ObamaCare and for that reason the law must be repealed as a whole. The American people continue to speak out against ObamaCare’s individual mandate, its attack on essential first amendment conscience protections, and its multitrillion-dollar price tag. Partial repeal only empowers this government takeover of one-sixth of the economy, and until full repeal is realized we will continue to muddle our message.”

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