…do what Charles Spurgeon did.

I’ve been reading slowly through Spurgeon’s autobiography this year and find myself about 3/4 of the way through Volume 1: The Early Years. When CHS first arrived in London to pastor the New Park Street Chapel, he made quite a splash right away. A church, designed to hold 1,200 was barely bringing in 200. Within the first four to five weeks, the church was full beyond capacity and people were getting turned away at the doors, unable to enter, let alone find a seat.

Of course, the London newspapers got wind of this and some, those antagonistic to the faith, had fun belittling and slander CHS each week. Initially, this affect Spurgeon, but it did not take long for him to have God brought to bear upon the situation. He didn’t seek to retaliate (although he would provide a humorous jibe every now and then). He simply saw it through the divine lens of Scripture and the Spirit. Here was one of his retorts:

The devil has barked again in (a London paper’s editorial section). Never mind; when Satan opens his mouth, he give me an opportunity of ramming my sword down his throat.

C.H. Spurgeon’s Autobiography: Volume 1––The Early Years, pg. 291

Ever a master with the word picture!

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