Former Senator, Vice Presidential Nominee and Presidential candidate John Edwards (D-NC) goes on trial today.  The federal government alleges that Edwards “knowingly and willfully” received nearly $1 million in illegal campaign contributions to hide his mistress, Rielle Hunter, who was pregnant with his child from the public so he could continue on with his presidential bid in 2008.  If convicted he could be sentenced up to 30 years in federal prison.

CNN provides a video timeline:


My what a fall, as the Bible says “pride goes before destruction and a haughty spirit before the fall,” (Proverbs 16:18).    This will be a hard case for the government to prove, and I’m sure John Edwards has a competent defense team.  What he’s going to lack, however, is jury sympathy.  I agree with Ed Morrisey that he’d better hope for the judge to toss the charges because the jury may not be so kind based on the tack his defense will probably use.

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