You know I realized that I’ve been too hard on President Obama and I needed to take in some of the hope and change he’s offering.
- I really shouldn’t object to Planned Parenthood funding. How can I as a man stand in the way of a woman’s comprehensive health.
- I also realized that President Obama is only looking out for me with Obamacare. I mean pretty soon as it impacts more insurance companies who drop out of the individual market I will then have the chance to check out different policies and insurance comparisons at some insurance review sites.
- For that matter I would really hate to see poor law students not receive the birth control pills that they desperately need. So I as a taxpayer should underwrite their sex life.
It is good that President Obama weighed in on Trayvon Martin. Those policemen acted “stupidly” by not charging that Zimmerman fellow immediately.
I think it’s ok that President Obama placed a moratorium on Atlantic offshore drilling, nixed the Keystone Pipeline, and fudged on drilling in ANWR. I’m looking forward to gas being $5 a gallon forcing me to buy a Chevy Volt.
I am also ok with President Obama making secret deals with incoming Russian President Vladimir Putin. After all he has our national security interests at heart.
I’m especially inspired by how he united House Republicans and Democrats around his budget.
I’ve prepared a video statement on my support of President Obama.