keithjuddYou won’t see that headline anyway in the mainstream media, but President Barack Obama’s primary opponent in West Virginia, Keith Judd, has won 35% of the early vote in that state’s Democrat primary.  Who is Keith Judd?  He’s currently sitting in prison in Texas.  He’s also made the Idaho ballot and has grabbed a larger percentage of the primary vote than any other primary opponent that Obama has faced.

He has a winning resume as well.  We just need to over look the little issue that he is a convicted felon.  What does this say about President Obama’s popularity when 35% of his party’s electorate would rather have guy sitting in prison as their nominee?

Oh, and Mitt Romney won the Indiana, West Virginia, and North Carolina primaries.  Pretty anticlimactic.  I keep hearing that Ron Paul is somehow going to pull off this miraculous upset, but he only beat Santorum by less than 1% in North Carolina by 2% in Indiana and lost to him in West Virginia and he’s no longer in the race.  Earth to Ron Paul fans, it isn’t happening.  He may snap up all of the caucus state delegates and it still won’t happen.  When he barely beats or loses to a candidate who is no longer running it says a lot about your candidate’s viability.

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