COLUMBIA, SC – The South Carolina House voted today 107-0 to require protection for infants born alive as a result of a failed abortion attempt. The bill, based on Americans United for Life’s (AUL) model language, previously passed the Senate 27-3. It now will go through a third reading and then on to Governor Nikki Haley for her signature.

“South Carolina lawmakers are joining distinguished company in passing the most commonsense pro-life bill available,” said AUL President and CEO Dr. Charmaine Yoest. “Surely all Americans can agree that a child–born, helpless and living–deserves the protections of the law and the compassion of all people.”

South Carolina is slated to join 24 other states in providing legal protection for infants born alive at any age or gestation. Efforts to pass this type of legislation began more than 10 years ago, when the federal government acted to protect infants in this manner after revelations by Jill Stanek, a nurse at Christ Hospital in Oak Lawn, Illinois, reported that babies born alive as a result of failed abortions were routinely left alone to die on the cold metal countertop in the hospital’s utility room. States have also been acting to pass similar legislation that is more comprehensive and protective than the federal version.

For a copy of AUL’s model bill on this issue, click here.

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