telemedabortionWashington, DC- Congressman Steve King (R-IA) released the following statement today after introducing the “Telemedicine Safety Act.” The bill cuts off public funding to abortion clinics, like Planned Parenthood, across the country for telemedicine abortions. Telemed abortions involve dispensing powerful and dangerous abortion drugs, like RU-486, without a doctor present. The drug is administered after a brief video conference between the doctor and patient. While the doctor may be hundreds of miles away, the woman is left to endure the serious side-effects of the drug. RU-486 is responsible for at least 612 hospitalizations and 16 deaths.

“Planned Parenthood’s ulterior motives must be made known,” said King. “Their aggressive promotion of the gruesome practice of abortion by video conference is expanding the destructive ‘abortion on demand’ culture in America- all in the name of increased profits. Telemed abortions, without the overhead costs of a surgical abortion, allow Planned Parenthood to make even more money while preying on young women and violating FDA regulations. Eight percent of women who take the abortion drug known as RU-486 require surgical intervention to complete their abortion. This new practice leaves those women at grave risk, and should never be supported with taxpayer dollars. Telemed abortions threaten and endanger women and we should not allow Planned Parenthood to maximize their profits. We cannot let this practice continue.”

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