I’m not a delegate to the Republican Party of Iowa State Convention so I don’t have a vote, but I wanted to weigh in on this vitally important role for Iowa Republicans.  Tamara Scott shared with me last week her intentions to run to replace Kim Lehman (who announced a couple of  weeks ago she was not seeking reelection) as Iowa’s Republican National Committeewoman.  I believe Tamara would be an excellent fit for this role.  She has been active in Republican and conservative politics in Iowa for many years.  She has the right temperament for the role and realizes that she would be representing Iowa’s Republicans, not a particular presidential candidate in this role.  One of her top priorities is to work to preserve Iowa’s first in the nation status.  She wants to help bring unity on issues where we can be united while remaining true to her social AND fiscal conservative principles.

Personally I know her to be a godly wife and mother who has been a leader within the homeschooling community.  She is a person of integrity, compassion and grace and I believe she would serve Iowa’s Republicans well.  So I hope that the state convention on June 16th would see fit to make her our state’s next Iowa Republican Committeewoman.

I met with her today to discuss her candidacy, why she wants to run, why she thinks she is the best candidate, what her priorities would be if elected and what her concerns are about the Republican Party at the state and national levels.  You can watch that video below:

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