
Former Senator and Presidential Candidate, Rick Santourm (R-PA), was the special guest to kick off the Give Cures campaign yesterday in Coralville, IA.  Santorum announced that he is the new national spokesperson for Give Cures.

Below is a video of Santorum’s remarks:

Santorum in a statement released yesterday after the press conference said:

I’m honored to serve as the national spokesperson for Give Cures, the John Paul II Stem Cell Research Institute. It’s exciting to be a part of innovative research that uses cutting-edge, disease-specific adult stem cells to find treatments for rare diseases and cancer.  Human life at the earliest stage is still a life — valued, loved, and created by God, and I believe to use and kill a human embryo for research is wrong.  Creating ethical stem cell lines for people with rare diseases is ethical and innovative. Our mission simply put is to find cures while giving value to the dignity of every life. Through the Institute’s ‘Give Cures’ campaign, we will be doing more than find cures – we will also protect life.

I commend those who work for rigorous and fact-based science and for progress in biotechnologies and medical therapies that honor and affirm the value, worth, and dignity of every individual member of the human community. We must speak expressly for those at the ‘edges of life’ who have no voice.

Give Cures is the John Paul II Stem Cell Research Institute’s national gift campaign that raises funds to advance ethical, non-controversial, adult stem cell research for cures and to raise funds to build a cord blood bank so moms can donate their newborn’s cord blood.  Give Cures connects people, patients and partners to the life-saving ethical research of the Institute.

Additional Videos:

The Director of Give Cures, Kim Leman’s, remarks:

Bob Vander Plaats of The FAMiLY Leader gave remarks

Rick Santorum held a brief Q&A session with the press:

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