aurora-colorado-shootingI was shocked to learn of the tragic shooting in Aurora, Colorado where the last I have heard is that 14 people have been killed and 59 have been wounded after a gunman went on a rampage during the premiere of Dark Knight Rising.  Due to some obligations this morning I’m a little late in writing about this, but I wanted to bring you a recap.

First the cheap politicization of this tragedy:

I’m equally shocked (though I shouldn’t be) that ABC News jumped the gun and reported that the alleged shooter, James Holmes, was a member of a local Tea Party.  The exchange between Brian Ross and George Stephanolpoulos was reported by Breitbart:

Stephanolpoulos: I’m going to go to Brian Ross. You’ve been investigating the background of Jim Holmes here. You found something that might be significant.

Ross: There’s a Jim Holmes of Aurora, Colorado, page on the Colorado Tea party site as well, talking about him joining the Tea Party last year. Now, we don’t know if this is the same Jim Holmes. But it’s Jim Holmes of Aurora, Colorado.

Stephanolpoulos: Okay, we’ll keep looking at that. Brian Ross, thanks very much.

This was found to not be the same James Holmes.  I shouldn’t be surprised as there has been a propensity in the media to blame the right when things like this occur.  ABC News has since apologized and now seems to be in major damage control mode.  Then Rush Limbaugh was blamed.

Statements from Presidential candidates:

Both Mitt Romney and President Barack Obama have issued statements on the shooting.

President Obama on the White House website:

Michelle and I are shocked and saddened by the horrific and tragic shooting in Colorado. Federal and local law enforcement are still responding, and my Administration will do everything that we can to support the people of Aurora in this extraordinarily difficult time. We are committed to bringing whoever was responsible to justice, ensuring the safety of our people, and caring for those who have been wounded. As we do when confronted by moments of darkness and challenge, we must now come together as one American family. All of us must have the people of Aurora in our thoughts and prayers as they confront the loss of family, friends, and neighbors, and we must stand together with them in the challenging hours and days to come.

From Mitt Romney’s website:

Ann and I are deeply saddened by the news of the senseless violence that took the lives of 15 people in Colorado and injured dozens more. We are praying for the families and loved ones of the victims during this time of deep shock and immense grief.  We expect that the person responsible for this terrible crime will be quickly brought to justice.

Accounts and information

Stacy McCain has been doing a great job updating with new information out on the shooting and the victims.  Hot Air has a lot of information as well.  Buzzfeed has social media accounts (content warning).  Below is a video from a local CBS affiliate:

Answering questions

Many will ask in light of this shooting, “where was God?”  Stand to Reason shares the response Greg Koukl gave to that question after the Columbine shooting.  Greg Stier, President of Dare 2 Share Ministries and a Colorado shared how he plans to respond to this event and any like it in the future.  Al Mohler responds to the shooting:

We must grieve with those who grieve. We must pray for Gospel churches in the Denver area who will be called upon for urgent ministry. We must pray for our nation and communities. And we must pray that God will guard ourselves from evil — especially our own evil. And we must point to the cross. What other answer can we give?

From People of the Second Chance, a message to Aurora, CO:

Today is a hard day, as we try and adsorb the tragic news from Aurora.

All we know is that life is precious, as is every act of grace we experience and dispense.

Remember to cherish life and make the most of it. Be generous with love, and let the people around you know you care.

We are standing with you, Aurora, CO.

Walt Mueller responds:

I am reminded of just how important it is for us to go deep in our understanding of God’s Word, to fill the wells of our lives with the rich water of His truth, and to prepare ourselves – like Job – for whatever may come by committing ourselves to spiritual depth.

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