stevekingchristievilsackNewly updated voter registration numbers from Iowa Secretary of State Matt Schultz show Republicans gained 4,736 voters while Democrat and Independent voters both shrunk. Republicans now hold a voter registration advantage of 53,214 over Democrats in Iowa’s 4th Congressional District.

“Voters in the 4th Congressional District are standing with Congressman King and Republicans’ belief in balancing our federal budget, creating certainty in Washington to give businesses the predictability and stability to grow, repealing ObamaCare and harnessing American energy,” said King for Congress Campaign Manager Jake Ketzner. “Christie Vilsack’s rejection of a Balanced Budget Amendment to reign in Washington spending, flip-flopping on ObamaCare, support of massive tax hikes on hard-working Iowa families and strategy of ducking questions is clearly costing her and her party in the 4th District.”

The active voter registration numbers are as follows in the 4th Congressional District:

Republicans Democrats Independents
June 2012 175,228 126,983 170,343
July 2012 179,964 126,750 167,128
Change +4,736 -233 -3,215

Republicans in Iowa’s old 5th Congressional District held a 54,840 voter registration advantage over Democrats at last calculation on January 3, 2012. Republicans in Iowa’s new 4th Congressional District now hold a voter registration advantage of 53,214 over Democrats.

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