iowa-gopDES MOINES, Iowa– The latest voter registration numbers from the Iowa Secretary of State’s office revealed that Republicans in Iowa increased their voter registration advantage over the Democrats in the month of July. This comes after the Republican Party of Iowa surpassed the Iowa Democratic Party in voter registration in March for the first time since 2006. Republicans in Iowa now hold an 21,589 voter registration advantage on the Democrats.

When President Obama was inaugurated in January 2009, the Democratic Party of Iowa boasted a 110,000 voter registration advantage, representing a massive shift toward the Republican Party of Iowa since the President took office. Just in the month of July, the Republican Party of Iowa was able to increase its number of party registrants by twenty-three percent more voters than the Democrats.

The number of registered voters for each party as of August 2 are as follows:

Republicans – 620,584
Democrats – 598,995

“Three years and a half years of President Obama’s failed policies have left the Republican Party of Iowa stronger than ever. Iowans are tired of broken promises, high unemployment and especially the way President Obama has been doling out taxpayer money to his friends and campaign donors,” said Republican Party of Iowa Chairman, A.J. Spiker.

“This is just the beginning. The Republican Party of Iowa has the clear momentum heading into the fall election and we plan to capitalize on this extraordinary enthusiasm to win elections up and down the ticket.”

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