
(AMES) – Rep. Steve King (R-Kiron) today launched his first television advertisement of the 2012 election cycle. The 60-second advertisement, titled “Land,” highlights King’s successful struggles to establish and grow his construction business. King’s principled and direct approach has made him a success in business, a leading voice in the nation, and earned him a reputation for listening and working for those he represents.

“In 1975, I knew nobody else was going to build it for me so I convinced a banker to loan me 100 percent to buy an old, beaten-up bulldozer,” said King. “I welded on it for two weeks to stick it together so it could finish the season. Then, before I had earned my first $100, the engine blew up. Marilyn and I rebuilt the engine and I started again. When you start a business, you become the mechanic, driver, operator, bookkeeper, and sometimes your own doctor and lawyer. I do know what Iowa values are. I represent them in Washington. I owe all Iowans my best effort and my best judgment.”

Here is the ad:


The following is the script of “Land:”


He started with a barely-breathing dozer, welding it back together himself.

Rains came, flooded him out, but Steve King started from the dirt again, built his business back. Then Steve went to Congress. Same dogged determination.

Waking every Monday or Tuesday at two twenty five A.M., driving a couple hours, flying to DC, still beating most of them to work.

Keen intellectual curiosity. Steve King listens, learns. Then when he talks it might be a little direct, but Steve says what we’re thinking.

He takes that place on all week, then races back to Iowa to listen and learn. And, catch that next crack of dawn flight.

Steve King’s life has been blood, sweat and well, ears.

Listening’s made him smart; life’s made him strong.


I’m Steve King and I approve this message.

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