
INDEPENDENCE, IA — At time when Americans’ trust in their political leadership has hit historic lows, U.S. congressional candidate Ben Lange is seeking to restore this trust with today’s release of his “Compact with Iowans” which sets forth Lange’s written promises and positive vision for rapid economic growth, upward mobility, and prosperity for Iowa and the United States.

“In November, I am giving [Iowans] a clear choice between electing the same old politicians who will say anything to get elected while accelerating our nation down a steep path towards economic collapse, or electing a new breed of political leader who will tell you the truth about our perilous economic condition and who has the courage to tackle these tough issues and put America back on the right track towards economic growth and prosperity,” Lange states in his Compact.

Lange’s written plan outlines four key priorities and a range of ideas and solutions for putting America back on track, including reducing the national debt, unleashing the U.S. economy, reforming health care the right way, and preserving the safety net. Lange proposes, among other things:

  • Passing a Balanced Budget Amendment to permanently end federal deficits.
  • Capping total federal spending at 19 percent of GDP.
  • Prohibiting any individual or business from paying over 25% in federal taxes.
  • Establishing 3-year sunset provisions for all regulations to force congressional review.
  • Repealing and replacing Obamacare with patient-centered reforms.
  • Giving Americans access to the same health benefits as Members of Congress.
  • Reforming entitlements in a balanced and responsible way for future generations.

The backbone of Lange’s Compact consists of three fundamental promises. “If you elect me as your next Congressman, my promise to you is this: (1) I will tell you the truth. (2) I will not run from difficult problems. (3) I will do what I say I am going to do,” Lange states in the Compact.

Today’s unveiling stands in stark contrast to Lange’s opponent, the three-term liberal Democrat incumbent Congressman Bruce Braley, who has been the only person in Eastern Iowa during the past six years with actual authority to fix the fundamental problems confronting our nation. But Braley has offered no ideas and advanced no solutions for averting our impending financial collapse and, in fact, has made the problem worse through massive deficit-spending.

“Ben Lange’s announcement provides a clear contrast between Ben Lange — an honest, trustworthy, and courageous young political leader willing to put his commitments and real solutions on paper — versus Congressman Bruce Braley — a political relic of a bygone era who is scared to tackle the big issues out of fear of losing an election,” said Cody Brown, a Lange advisor.

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