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Iowa State Budget Closes With Surplus Four Times Larger Than Predicted

The State of Iowa closed its FY18 budget with a surplus of $127.3 million, $95.6 million more than what was predicted in March.

The First Amendment, Bullying and Harassment

Liberals are leery about the First Amendment protections in the current bullying bill in the Iowa House. Disagreement doesn’t equal bullying & harassment.

Random Thoughts About The Election Results

I was watching Fox News for a few minutes as I ate…

Opioids, Welfare, & Entitlements

Steven Holt: Week 6 of the 2018 Iowa Legislative Session saw the advancement of Opioid legislation in the House, the unveiling of Governor Kim Reynolds’ tax reform package and a bill to begin moving Iowa toward entitlement reform that reduces fraud and encourages a return to the private sector.