220px-Todd_Akin,_official_109th_Congress_photoVerona, PA — U.S. Senator Jim DeMint (R-SC) and former U.S. Senator and Chairman of Patriot Voices Rick Santorum issued the following joint statement regarding their support of Todd Akin for the U.S. Senate in Missouri:

“If Republicans are to win back the Senate and stop President Obama’s liberal agenda, we must defeat Senator Claire McCaskill in Missouri.  Her support of President Obama’s job-killing, big-spending policies are sending our country into an economic abyss.  And her passionate support of ObamaCare is ensuring healthcare costs go up while quality of care goes down.  Simply put, we cannot afford six more years of Senator McCaskill.

“Todd Akin is a principled conservative who is committed to winning and fighting for freedom in the U.S. Senate. Todd will work to stop reckless spending, stop the out of control debt, repeal the government takeover of healthcare, support our military and defend life at every stage.

“We support Todd Akin and hope freedom-loving Americans in Missouri and around the country will join us so we can save our country from fiscal collapse,” concluded Santorum and DeMint.

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