voting-boothPersonally, I’m starting to feel like Christmas is in about 10 days. But there’s still plenty to be concerned about with a victory by either party—for example, I’ve read no less than 3 articles in the last 24 hours warning of impending hyperinflation.
So here are 5 practical steps you can take to be ready for November 6… and life after the election:

  1. Take a Concealed Carry course or go to the range for some target practice. We’ve got an interesting Sheriff’s race in Polk County, and there’s no time like the present to exercise your Second Amendment rights—especially if there’s any chance at all that they may be curtailed over the next few years.
  2. Read a non-fiction book about a topic you don’t know that much about. For example, if you have no idea what “hyperinflation” means, you might start with a good economics overview book like Thomas Sowell’s Basic Economics. You could even just sign up for Thomas Sowell on the Town Hall blog.  Or pick any other topic and find a good book on that topic.
  3. Update your 72-Hour emergency kit. Since just about anytime between Halloween and Easter is blizzard season here in Iowa, no time like the present to be ready for bad weather and power outages. And we also have a handy reminder apparent in Hurricane Sandy.  Find a basic list for winter preparedness here.  And that’s not even taking into consideration the rumors of planned rioting if Obama loses….
  4. Volunteer to poll-watch. Until we get a Voter ID law here in Iowa, one of the best ways to discourage voter fraud is to have poll-watchers at every polling location. Call your local campaign headquarters to get signed up today! There will be no better way to spend a couple hours volunteering during this election cycle.
  5. Plan when and where YOU will vote! I recently received my voter registration card in the mail. Hopefully you did, too, but if not, you can go to the Secretary of State’s website here for Iowa or do a Google search for your state.

Please feel free to add your own suggestions of practical things to do before election day!

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