“I Would Campaign For the Nazis and Vote for Adolph Hitler” (Josh Craddock quotes his friend)

High school student, Josh Craddock gave the 9-minute speech below after the John McCain-Barack Obama presidential race of 2008.  The arguments he makes are even more relevant for many Christians in the 2012 race between Mitt Romney and Obama.

Here are some quotes from that speech:

“When a person supports mass murder that person is automatically disqualified as a candidate Christians can vote for with a clear conscience.”

” When citizens are obliged to support one person who doesn’t represent them in order to stop another person who also doesn’t represent them, they end up with a government that doesn’t represent them.”

“Moral considerations take precedence over political expedience”

“The decision to vote for the “lesser evil” is primarily made out of fear. Fear of the devil with his mask off chases us into the arms of the devil with his mask on.”

“It’s the devil’s game to give you two evil choices and act like he’s the good guy by letting you “choose” one. When given choices A and B by the devil, what would Jesus do? The answer is C.”




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